Helping Those In Need Fight Back
Robert F. Rich Jr. is a personal injury and medical malpractice attorney and he is here to help.
Proudly Serving The Hudson Valley Community
More Than 30 Years Of Personal Injury Experience
For 33 years, Bob has spent his legal career mostly defending personal injury and medical negligence claims. He learned, developed and successfully used every weapon in the arsenal to win scores of verdicts in court on behalf of the insurance companies or their insureds.
Now, at The Law Offices of Robert F. Rich, Jr. PLLC, Bob uses his experience and first-hand knowledge of the techniques used by the defense to deny claims in order to all the more effectively fight on behalf of the victims of negligence. Decades of trying complex cases involving various areas of medicine have allowed Bob to acquire a broad and in-depth knowledge of medical issues, which makes him particularly skillful at evaluating, investigating and preparing your case for trial.
He can even use this knowledge of medicine in different areas of the law such as when he’s taking on a motor vehicle accident case. When Bob works with a personal injury client, he is very familiar with how that injury may be impacting his client and how it has created damages for which they deserve compensation.
It’s Okay To Want Representation After An Injury
Some clients have personal injury or medical malpractice cases that they considered not pursuing because they thought it was not worth the effort, or that it was not okay to pursue a case that would potentially lead to compensation.
Pursuing representation after an injury is nothing to be ashamed of. Bob isn’t here to help clients make a quick buck, but to represent them at a time of need and show them how the system works. This isn’t about making a big deal out of an injury, but helping clients get the assistance they need.
Schedule A Free Consultation Today
Learn more about how Bob can assist you with a medical malpractice or personal injury case. Contact him at 845-255-7424 or send an email through his contact form to schedule a free consultation today.
Don’t Let Someone Else’s Mistake Change Your Life Forever.